Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Just of bit of rambling

In every relationship there comes a time when you have to decide if this relationship is going someplace and if you even want it to be going there and the other day I found myself in this very same scenario (weird, right?). We decided that rather than just hang on for the sake of it, we should end things and just be friends (I so badly want to use quotations around that). 
The initial comedown from a relationship, no matter how casual and how amicable the parting, is always a hard one. I'm forcing myself not to pick up the phone and send a quick text because I'm bored (OH SO BORED). I realize now that almost every spare evening I had I spent with him, I must get used to being on my own and coping with my moments of boredom (GOOD LORD THE BOREDOM). 
Then I realized there is no better time for me to be single than while living an expat life in London. I meet new people each week and London has a lot on offer. I just need to get back to being comfortable with myself again and London will be shiny and exciting to me once more.

Enough rambling from me, thanks for sticking around. As your reward, here is a dog enjoying his bone.

Fun travels!

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