After this first trip I knew I was hooked and there were so many more places I wanted to see and experience.
As I've grown older, I've become more philosophical about travel. Meeting people who want to travel, but don't, people who have no desire to travel, people who have travelled the world and are done and others who just can't ever get enough. There are all kinds out there, but I've come to the conclusion that travel is not only fun it should be necessary in developing a well-rounded, well-adjusted, progressive, productive citizen of the world.
You don't even have to go all that far. Canada is a very large country and no two provinces are the same. Venturing out of your home town and meeting people in a new community brings the universal truth into glaring light. And that is; we are all just trying to muddle through doing the best we can for our families and ourselves.
I've been wanting to write this post for some time now and as co-host for this months #TravelLinkup "10 Things..." it seems a good a time as any especially in this post-Brexit, post-President Trump times, to look at the reasons why I travel and why you should too.
In no particular order, travel offers:
10) Experiencing history
Learning about history through well written textbooks is good and all, but when that history comes to life, you cannot help but feel connected to a timeline. Stand in the place historic figures stood before you, see the same architecture built by past civilizations. This is all our story.
The first time I stood in the stadium seating of the Colosseum looking down to the arena I got chills as I could finally imagine what that must have been like 2000 years ago.
9) Exposure to different perspectives
We all have our own perspective, formed from our experiences, backgrounds and history. Our perspective is how we see life and everyone is different. Being exposed to different perspectives means we can develop a better understanding of people.
8) Meeting people
People are great. There are so many great, interesting people out there in the world with a story to share and something to teach us.
When my parents first moved to Ho Chi Ming City they were exploring the city and admiring the architecture. A local business man noticed them and struck up a conversation. He invited them to dinner at his house with his family and they still keep in touch to this day. In my experience this isn't something that happens at home. We are more closed off to the people around us, focused on getting from point A to B and not making eye-contact with the human beings around us.
7) Change of scenery
Before I moved to London on my two year work visa I felt like I was stuck in a rut. Sleep, work, walk the dog and repeat.
Life is too short to feel like everything is ho-hum. A change of scenery can help put a pep back in your step and refresh your soul.
6) A great big world
We are but a small cog in a much larger machine. Yes, our problems are important to us and our feelings are valid, but when you travel it really helps you get out of your own head and see there are other people in this world.
5) Food
There is so much good food out there. As culinarily diverse an area can be there is still an issue with authenticity. Some ingredients just aren't available everywhere. What better way than to experience a culture than through it's food? That sounds like heaven to me.
The Peruvian cuisine is an example of just this experience, as different cultures moved to the country they brought with them their traditional dishes but have used local ingredients making an interesting fusion of food that can only be found in the restaurants of Peru.
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Lomo Saltado (stir-fry meat with fries and rice) |
4) Tourism industry
Some regions rely on the business generated by tourists. Do you part for local economies, travel.
Tourist attractions are tourist attractions for a good reason (for the most part), don't avoid them all.
3) Same, same but different
Here's a little story for you. While on Isla del Sol, as we were waiting for a pace of donkeys to move along the walking path, I was struck by just how different my life is from the people that live on this small island in the middle of Lake Titicaca.
That is until Eimear voiced her opposing opinion. We were at our family run hotel trying to communicate with the landlady when her husband came out and gave his opinion on what she should tell us. We didn't understand the exchange but we certainly comprehended the eye-roll and humouring smile she gave us. Despite how different our lives seem, we are all essentially the same. We have relationships, we feed our families, we do daily chores, we love, we get angry, we laugh. We might do it in different languages, but we are all essentially the same.
That is until Eimear voiced her opposing opinion. We were at our family run hotel trying to communicate with the landlady when her husband came out and gave his opinion on what she should tell us. We didn't understand the exchange but we certainly comprehended the eye-roll and humouring smile she gave us. Despite how different our lives seem, we are all essentially the same. We have relationships, we feed our families, we do daily chores, we love, we get angry, we laugh. We might do it in different languages, but we are all essentially the same.
2) To push you
Comfort zone? What's that? You don't know what you are capable of until you find yourself outside of that zone.
1) FUN
I mean seriously, who doesn't love a little holiday. A break from the every day. Travel is just pure fun, even with all the stress and hiccups that can arise.
It's important to broaden ones horizons. Being in one place doing the same things with the same people every single day of your life will only get you so far. Increasing the things you know, experiences you have and your capabilities never a bad thing. So get out there and read everything you can, engage in conversations (in person), and travel beyond your familiar boarders.
This month we are getting all crazy - and the topic is simply '10 things...'
It could be 10 anythings - reasons to visit a place, 10 cute cats in London, 10 gorgeous balcony views. Go crazy (and try to include a 'pinnable' image in the post for sharing!)...
How to link up your post
Just pop your post up over the first week of the month (the 1st - 7th September 2017), add it to the link up widget found on Follow Your Sunshine, Adventures of a London Kiwi, SilverSpoon London or on the blog of our lovely guest host Erin at Erin Out and About from the 1st.
Just pop your post up over the first week of the month (the 1st - 7th September 2017), add it to the link up widget found on Follow Your Sunshine, Adventures of a London Kiwi, SilverSpoon London or on the blog of our lovely guest host Erin at Erin Out and About from the 1st.
There are no rules – basically all we ask is that you check out some of the other cool bloggers that are involved in that months travel link up; make a few comments here and there and tweet a few of the posts out to your followers that you think they will love. It’s a great way to meet some new travel bloggers and share some blogging love!
The Travel Link Up is open to all bloggers – as long as the post is relevant!
The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.
Don't miss a post!