Saturday, 3 January 2015

2015 Travel Wishlist and Linkup

I made a decision back when I was jet setting around Europe *loud whisper spoken from the side of my mouth behind the back of my hand* aka living my dream in London, that decision was a promise to travel North America more when I returned to Canada. 

A friend of mine and I have already been discussing potential destinations for this year, whether these actually happen or not only time will tell, but a girl can travel dream. Which is my favourite kind of dream.

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1. Quebec City
Reason: It's Canada's most European city, it's historic district is decorated with narrow cobbled streets, they hold a winter festival in February, because February and Canada, and they got history oozing out the wazoo. 

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2. Vancouver, BC
Reason: I hear the weather is similar to London's. I hear it's a very expensive place, just like London. I hear once I visit I'll never want to leave, just like London. This just might be my home away from London.
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3. Boston
Reason: My father is from Vermont, which is part of New England, but it's never really felt part of the stereotypical New England where people say and eat chowdah. I'm wicked excited to see this place for myself.
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4. San Fran
Reason: Golden Gate Bridge, Full House, Alcatraz, Sea lions and trams. Yes please!

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5. New York
Reason: At least twice a year my family and I make the 8 hour drive to Vermont to visit family and rent a cottage. I think it's high time we take a left out of Montreal and stop in the Big Apple.  I have a feeling the city would be overwhelming on a first visit, so I'm willing to make repeat trips.

This post is part of the monthly Travel Link up hosted by the lovelies; Rebecca, Kelly and Emma. Check them out and others on the link up.

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