Thursday, 1 January 2015

2014, I wish I could marry you

When you look back at the year gone by if it makes you laugh and cry its been a great year. I feel like this sentiment is from Sex and the City (does anyone know?), but I think it holds true. When I think back to the beginning of this year it feels so far away. This year was jam packed of activities, travelling, friends and much love. When I returned to London in January from my holidays in Canada I mentally had started the dreaded countdown to the end of my visa. With that fire lit under my arse I made the most of my every spare moment and constantly consulted, checked off, and added to my "Things to do and see before I leave" list (often crossing one thing off just to discover something else and adding 3 more items).

As difficult as the transition back to Canada has been, I wouldn't change a moment of this past year (even 2 years). The most incredible people came into my life, adding such value and love. I will keep them in my heart forever and sincerely hope to retain them in my life. (New Years Resolution #1: make a strong effort to keep in touch with long distance friends)

I have decided my theme for 2015 will be "Explore" 

It's easy to settle into the easy and the comfortable, I do it all the time, especially in Canada. So this year I hope to continue exploring as I have done with my time in London. The exploration enriched my life and I am the better for it.

Here is my 2014 in instagram review. It really was a good year...

December: DT Brampton Christmas Tree

November: Snuggling with the Bettydog

October: The colour of autumn in Ontario

September: Last visit to Cambridge with my soul sister and she proved to be an excellent hostess

August: Trying on an Edwardian style corset at the Horniman Museum

July: Good old 4th of July BBQ with American foods like s'mores

June: Traveling to Dover to see the cliffs with my 'doing things buddy'

May: Provence picnic with some lovely ladies

April: The Oxford and Cambridge goat race at Spitalfields City Farm

March: Science Afternoon Tea at the Ampersand Hotel

February: Never tired of this sight! Loved seeing it on my walk to the DLR from a night out having ribs and cider.

January: A great start to the year, playing poker, being jet lagged, and spotting fireworks all around from our rooftop viewing post.

Thank you my friends IRL and online for making me feel connected and appreciated throughout the year. I love you all dearly! 

Happy New Year!

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