When you look back at the year gone by if it makes you laugh and cry its been a great year. I feel like this sentiment is from Sex and the City (does anyone know?), but I think it holds true. When I think back to the beginning of this year it feels so far away. This year was jam packed of activities, travelling, friends and much love. When I returned to London in January from my holidays in Canada I mentally had started the dreaded countdown to the end of my visa. With that fire lit under my arse I made the most of my every spare moment and constantly consulted, checked off, and added to my "Things to do and see before I leave" list (often crossing one thing off just to discover something else and adding 3 more items).
As difficult as the transition back to Canada has been, I wouldn't change a moment of this past year (even 2 years). The most incredible people came into my life, adding such value and love. I will keep them in my heart forever and sincerely hope to retain them in my life. (New Years Resolution #1: make a strong effort to keep in touch with long distance friends)
I have decided my theme for 2015 will be "Explore"
It's easy to settle into the easy and the comfortable, I do it all the time, especially in Canada. So this year I hope to continue exploring as I have done with my time in London. The exploration enriched my life and I am the better for it.
Here is my 2014 in instagram review. It really was a good year...
December: DT Brampton Christmas Tree
November: Snuggling with the Bettydog
October: The colour of autumn in Ontario
September: Last visit to Cambridge with my soul sister and she proved to be an excellent hostess
August: Trying on an Edwardian style corset at the Horniman Museum
July: Good old 4th of July BBQ with American foods like s'mores
June: Traveling to Dover to see the cliffs with my 'doing things buddy'
May: Provence picnic with some lovely ladies
April: The Oxford and Cambridge goat race at Spitalfields City Farm
March: Science Afternoon Tea at the Ampersand Hotel
February: Never tired of this sight! Loved seeing it on my walk to the DLR from a night out having ribs and cider.
January: A great start to the year, playing poker, being jet lagged, and spotting fireworks all around from our rooftop viewing post.
Happy New Year!