Friday, 28 October 2016

Birthday Debrief

Today, at 11:08 am EDT, I turn 34. 

Unlike when I turned 32, I don't have as many feels about it this time around. 

Now that I'm well into my 30s I find myself to be in the midst of my 'third life crisis'--I mean, am I where I'm supposed to be? Should I own a house already? Be married with kid(s)? Have a job, earning lots of money? 

Most days I feel like I'm just coping with things. This #adulting thing is harder than they lead you to believe.

Sometimes as things get to be too much, I take a deep breath and count the blessings I do have and reckon that life will get figured out eventually. Until that time, I will continue to enjoy travelling, the job I do have and being a hometown tourist with friends. 

Happy Birthday to me!

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