I'm going to say it. You can't stop me. There have been snow flurries in the air, tree lighting ceremonies, Santa Clause parades, and Christmas Markets starting. There are 39 days until Christmas!
I'm going to miss all the London Christmas markets this year (I was a repeat visitor to the Southbank Market and a Baily's Hot Chocolate), but rather than be blue at my most favourite time of year I'm seeking out Christmas markets in Ontario. There are two big ones (Toronto and Kitchener) here that I'm going to be checking out later on and I'm actually looking forward to it.
Here's to a happy Monday!
25 years after the fall. Beautiful commemoration.
TFL information No longer relevant to me, but good to know nonetheless.
1/3 of London women have been verbally abused on London public transport.
New floor at Tower Bridge. I want to see this....I think.
The other day the mailman handed me our daily mail and said, "I have your recycling".
A melting house!
29 reasons 29 is the weirdest age
Tube tongues