Monday, 16 September 2013

Hey there, Monday!

So, how was your weekend my friends? What did you get up to? I went on a scavenger hunt on Saturday! A cell phone scavenger hunt! A group of friends and I (boys v. girls obviously) tested our AtoZ knowledge of Covent Gardens. It was so much fun!
But now it's Monday again and back to reality, but before things get too serious here are some internet gems I came across. Go ahead and procrastinate starting Monday for a wee bit longer. You earned it.

Red trousers are a thing? *Ahem* excuse me, red trousers are a thing.

Who doesn't love a cat in a tiny, well constructed paper hat?

I do need a new phone, how long would I have to wait for this?

2 of my favourite things: history and London

New favourite post by a 20-something

The BFG, written the year I was born and one of my favourite books as a kid.

Incidentally connected  articles.

And then there's this catchy tune

Fun travels!

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