Monday, 24 April 2017

Holidays and Self-Care

If you don't already know, taking a break sometimes can be the best form of self-care one can take. Whether it's a mental break by changing your current task, a social media break  by turning off your devices, or a physical break and putting kilometers between you and your everyday life.

That's exactly what my holiday and blogger break was for me. Even more than I had anticipated it to be. I may still be struggling through my third-life crisis but I now have a renewed focus and found a bit of quiet from that nagging, critical voice. You know the one I mean. The one that pretends to be helpful and constructive, but can actually be quite harsh and damaging more often than not.

My holiday was a perfect mix of friendship love and exploring new places, both things brought me out of my head and reminded me to be a bit kinder to myself, friends' kind words can have that effect. The blogger break was more incidental to my travel plans and lack of time to schedule posts before leaving, but this break was actually quite good for me. I was glad to see that taking a mini blogger break didn't mean the end of my small but much beloved readership. And I've even returned with a restored sense of excitement to get back into writing and creating content.

What do you do to give yourself a little self-care?

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