It's Monday again. Again. Hope y'all managed some kind of relaxation this weekend and are ready to conquer this new week we have in front of us. If not, let's just take a little moment here to take a breath, compose ourselves, take a cheeky peak at some internet gems, and start the day with a brave face.
Happy Monday!
#ICan'tKeepQuiet beautiful song preformed at the march by MILCK
Museums are actively collecting signs from the woman's march. I like this.
The Netherlands introduces themselves to Trump
40 random acts of kindness and general thoughtfulness gestures you can do to make each day a little brighter
I'm sorry, but I think a dapper, hipster dude always looks better than just jeans, a tee, sneakers and a baseball hat. Ugh. Might as well wear a sign that reads, 'I've given up'. And a hipster with working toward social change? Even better
I would agree with this article about millennials prioritizing travel over home ownership, but I think it has a lot to do with being easily priced out of the market
But travel is not just for millennials! Meet Ayse Teyze
Watching this dog get massaged, is quite relaxing
And let's end this post with some feel good reporting. Alex has his faith in humanity restored.
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