Grab a hot mug of something, cozy up by the fireside and think warm thoughts as we go through my list of things I'm looking forward to enjoying this winter.
to snow fall
Do you know what I'm talking about? Next time it's snowing go outside and have a listen. It is the most peaceful moment ever. It never seems as quiet or as still as when it's snowing great, big, fluffy snowflakes that float down to the snow covered ground.
walks in snowy scenes
On sunny days it's guaranteed to be
scarf love
A fashion blogger, I am not. As they bemoan the loss of cute sun dresses and not messing hair under winter caps, I luxuriate in a blanket scarf. Wrap me head to toe in a comfy cozy blanket scarf and I will conquer the world.
cozy reading
Moving back indoors, I like to be just as warm wrapped up in a blanket, thick sock, hot tea and a book I can fall into and I'm a happy girl. Make it a snow day and I can read guilt free in my blanket fort.
all the winter soups
As soon as a chill hits the air my mum boldly announces ''It's soup season!'' and really can't disagree. Pictured above homemade lentil soup and fish stew--and clearly soup becomes a proper meal when served with carbs.
outdoor winter activities
Hibernating, as much as I wish it to be true, is not a winter activity. At least not a productive one. I must remember that going outside and doing things in the cold is still enjoyable. I used to love skiing, tobogganing, building snow forts, and making snowmen in the winter.
*side note* I came across this last photo of my Nan and Grandpa out enjoying winter with 3 of their 8 children. Isn't it just lovely?
What are your winter wishes?
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