Monday, 23 January 2017

Hey There, Monday!

What a weekend. My socials blew up with images of friends marching and being history makers. We may be moving forward with tentative, trepidation, but I think if Saturday's marches are any indication of things to come, then I think we might just be okay.  Here's to a happy Monday. Be kind to yourselves (and others) this week.
Happy Monday!

More people need to be like this restaurant owner

12 characteristics of people who love to travel

Modern day Seinfeld 

So many things being uncovered by Crossrail

10 things to remember when you are feeling stuck

It went dark! So weird to see

That bear's got moves!

As an only child, I always wondered how my mum couldn't always get my name on the first try

I know how this kid feels

Make your experiences matter, they will make you happier than things will

How men feel about taking their wife's name. A lesson on how to make me angry!

Super long read, but entirely worth it. Letters to the President

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