Monday, 8 August 2016

Hey There, Monday!

It's been a couple weeks since I've had weekend time to put together a 'Hey there, Monday!' post. I've been told be a few people that it's their favourite post of the week (trying really hard not to be completely offended by that). One friend told me that they enjoy the Monday posts because it's a view of the internet through my eyes. I do enjoy gathering these internet pieces to share with you, my dear readers. Like we are all taking a quiet moment together each Monday morning to psych ourselves up to attacking another glorious week. So let's do just that. Here' we come Monday! I hope you are ready for us!

Happy Monday!

So, who's going to buy me one of these illustrated London maps? Pa-weeeese!

Well, don't these screaming heads seem fun?

Dogs are the best

Shake it Off parody. Nicely done

Mary Anning sells seashells by the seashore. Say that 5 times fast

The unsexy reason millennials are the way they are

Daughter of 4 under the age of 6. Hilarious

Yes to all of this! Move to a city you don't know anyone in

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