Thursday, 9 June 2016

Following the 'To-dos' of Paris

Before I travel to a new destination I like to do some research and get an idea of what kinds of things I can see, do, and eat there. But when it came time to planning my very quick trip to Paris, a place I had visited a few times before, I knew my Googleing would have to go a bit deeper.

I have done the Louver, walked along the Seine, went up the Eiffel Tower (insert any tourist trap here and I had done it in the past), this time around I was free to hit up the non-traditional 'To-dos' of Paris.

1. Eat street falafel

I do love falafels--I make them all the time. So when I saw this was on various lists of 'Things To Do in Paris', it wasn't a sacrifice. I didn't know this was a thing for Paris, but we enjoyed it nonetheless.

When I read about the mustard on tap and the cute little ceramic pots, I knew I would be making my group take a detour to find this store. I'm pleased with my White Wine Dijon mustard purchase from France.

3. Walked by macaroons

Now we could have gone in and sampled and nibbled and bought some very expensive macaroons but instead we drooled from the window and decided our short amount of time in Paris was better used elsewhere. But still I count this as a check!

4. Printemps Haussmann

I specifically Google'd, 'Best views of Paris' knowing full well the Eiffel Tower and Arch de Triomphe would come up on the top of the list, but "been there, done that" so when Printemps Haussmann followed closely behind I was most intrigued, but what sold me was the word FREE! Located 9 stories up at the top of the large department store was a rooftop terrace and cafe. Enjoy the views with a light snack and hot drink. 

I enjoyed getting to see a different side to this familiar city, I was still a complete tourist but unwilling to wait in long queues and take the same old photos. Had I had long time available I would have popped into a smaller museum to really round off the trip.

Do you avoid actively tourist traps or seek them out first thing in a new place, if only to check them off the travel list?

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