Monday, 4 May 2015

Hey there, Monday!

I love that moment in spring when the weather has stayed at a pleasant temperature, the sun has shone consistently and the ground isn't quite so soggy. There is the briefest of moments between complete bareness and the promise of new life, and a complete conscious awareness of the flora and fauna explosions happening around you. It's spring limbo.
I felt this moment on my Sunday long run. It's an exhilarating moment in time; when I can't remember but the warmth of the sun on my skin and can only see stretches of sunny, summer days and steamy, summer nights ahead of me.

Have a very happy Monday!

I'm in love with these photos. they could totally be contemporary images.

Love this song anyway, but this version of "Uptown Funk" just make my heart grow two sizes.

Being an amature beekeeper is on my bucketlist. This is an interesting device.

Carbs, it's what's for breakfast. Apparently.

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