Monday, 9 February 2015

Hey there, Monday!

So I know last week I said I was super excited to have a snow day, but now I'm over it. More specifically I'm over the shoveling. It really hasn't stopped snowing too much since then. Not a ton of the white stuff but enough to make me get out there donning full winter gear and wielding a shovel every other day. I enjoy going for a walk in the snow (much better work out than just a regular walk), watching it come down while I'm snuggled up inside with Bettydog and a tea, and waking up to see fresh powder covering the world. I just wish I didn't have to shovel it.
So here I am procrastinating bundling up and grabbing that shovel. Just one more tea...
Happy Monday!

I love this list of Creepiest Things to do on FB. 

Quick, someone find me a toddler to pick my outfits out!

Dogs are weird, wonderful creatures.

Fantastic old negatives discovered of Antarctica.

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