Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Let's Get Crafty, Brought to you by the Letter B

A few years ago a close cousin of mine was expecting a baby. She and I had grown up together and I was excited for this addition to my extended family. I wanted to give them a gift that was special and a little bit more than something off the baby shower registry. As I was new to Pinterest I had been pinning a ton of crafts that the chances I was actually going to get around to doing was very slim. But here was my big chance! I selected a simple project and got to it, documenting my progress.

Cats, amiright? 

The tools: a cereal box, yarn, scissors, and bits of decoration of your choice (not pictured here).

I drew and cut the letter out from the cereal box. I tied an end of the yarn to the letter and started wrapping, building it up as I went.

Lastly, I tied on some decoration buttons and a loop at the top to hang it from. TA DA!

My cousin was a big fan of the end result (as am I) and it proudly hangs on her son's door. Having it there makes me feel connected to my (like a sister) cousin and her beautiful little family. When she told me she was expecting a second child, I knew I'd be making something again. Stay tuned for that craft.

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