Monday, 11 August 2014

Hey there, Monday!

It's official. The inevitable countdown has begun and my visa expires a month yesterday. I can't believe how much the time has flown by, I know that's a cliche, but really some cliches are just truths. It's put me in a weird kind of limbo of being sort of excited about going back to Canada, but also not looking forward to things ending here. Is it possible to wish and hope for two opposites and not feel guilty one way or the other? Big thought for a Monday morning, instead let's procrastinate with these many gems I found on le internet this past week. Happy Monday! 
Would you take the 'no cooking whatsoever' challenge? 

Men in make-up.

Shark attacks! Great video

Best use of #Shareacoke 

Painted bodies blending into the background. Cool art.

I love Inglorious Foods. Every supermarket should do this!

This will be me.

I might want to make this one day. DIY passport cover.

I've always been a creative speller.

Whoa. Just whoa.

Love this simple art on chalkboard.

Dad's are awesome. #howtodad (also, mother, if you are reading this, could you pick up some peanut butter cheerios for me? They also are awesome. Please and thanks.)

image found on Pinterest

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