Friday, 8 August 2014

Frolicking in Mayfield Lavender

Before you think this is yet another post about my EPIC/BLASTED (delete appropriate) trip to Provence with some super lovely ladies, let me stop you right there and tell you that this beautiful lavender filled field is from right here on British soil. West Croyden, UK to be exact. Just a short 2 hour commute out of the city centre. 
I do so love lavender and was quite disappointed when I discovered that although Provence has fields and fields of lavender our time there did not coincide with the season. After this, I became slightly obsessed with visiting a lavender field, but thanks to Google, the obsession was quickly formed into a plan when I discovered that England has several lavender farms in the southern region. 
On a bright sunny day, I called up my 'doing things' buddy and off we went on the overground to West Croyden and from there is a 20 minute bus ride (on the 166) to Mayfield Lavender. When we arrived we smelled before we saw anything and that was the best experience. Steph was just as happy as me to pose in the plants and to take pictures of each other, suggesting poses and taking multiple shots. (It's sometimes great to do things with fellow bloggers).

We weren't alone in our photo shoot endeavours among the flowers. There were some very creative posers there and we enjoyed just sitting and watching, warming in the sun, and listening to the bees do their busy bee work.

Hugging it out

Journaling in the field

Once we had our fill of frolicking we visited the cafe and purchased some lavender themed treats.

Lavender cupcake

Lavender shortbread

And my favourite, lavender lemonade and lavender ice cream (not pictured)

Fun travels!


  1. Steph O'KaneAugust 13, 2014

    Mmmmm that fairy cake was so yummy :) I'm so glad we did this! <3 I always wanted to see a lavender field and never thought I'd get to. Thanks, lady! ~Steph

  2. Such a fun day followed by tasty treats! Always good in my books.


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