Monday, 7 July 2014

Hey there, Monday!

Last week, Tuesday to be exact, was Canada Day. And although I do love a good Canada Day Celebration (despite the festivities in Trafalgar Square being cancelled this year) it was quite a low key event for me this year. Instead I was looking forward to a friend's weekend July 4th party (they're American). We has Queso, frito pies, peach cobbler, s'mores, margaritas and PIMM's. The evening was capped off with a fire pit, sparklers, singing the 'merican national anthem and a game of Cards Against Humanity (I won!). But now it's back to serious business. Happy Monday everyone!

Always important to make a good impression.

Be like a girl.

What do you call a fish with no 'eyes'? FSH. Favourite joke.

Penny in your pants. Great life hack.

Meet Rufus.

People have interesting....interests.

In Canada. What awesome Canadian astronauts do when they aren't hanging out in the space station. And even when they are.

Image a found on Pinterest

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