Monday, 5 May 2014

Hey there, Monday!

Today is May Day and what does that mean? Absolutely nothing to me, as I work in retail and in a store that is only closed 1 day a year and this is not the day. But I hope everyone else is out enjoying the time off, preparing for another dreaded tube strike. In other news, I'm going to Provence for the weekend with a group of ladies and in true procrastination fashion, I have left things to the last minute ie. getting Euros, scouring for reading material, over packing. But there's no time for that now, when there just so much internet fun to distract me with...
old world

best thing ever.

yeah, get it together, Shawn

These teachers rule the school

Apparently I'm not very English and belong in the colonies.

Finally the 571B Banana Slicer has been reviewed

I'm so excited to be going to the Royal Ascot this year. The search for a dress and hat are on!

From my mummy. Things you will regret in your 30s

Image found on Pinterest

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