Monday, 28 April 2014

Hey there, Monday!

Last week, I saw somewhere, either a poster or an online ad, about a very small exhibit ending this past weekend at the National Gallery. It was the Van Gogh paintings, "Sunflowers" being exhibited side by each for the first time in many years. The Amsterdam painting was done in 1888 and the London one done a few months later in 1889. I ran over after a day of volunteering at Somerset House (#PickMeUpLondon is back) and caught the last viewing. The room was small, the paintings protectively lit up, and the crowds thick. The paintings were beautiful and breathtaking and reminded me once again why I just love Van Gogh. 
To think I almost missed it. Let's all take a moment today to stop and admire the flowers. Happy Monday!

It's never not a good time to look at these. (yeah, double negative, I went there)

I just. I just can't you guys.

Interesting article about "The Language of Dude Feminism" 

This crazy video of 2011 Earthquake in Japan

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