Top left to bottom:
1. Old timey photo at the Riverside Museum, Glasgow.
2. Rainy day walk to The People's Palace Museum.
3. The soup of the trip was Lentil. Had here at the People's Palace.
4. Vitamin C drops makes an watery orange crush type drink.
5. My new purple suitcase.
6. Tunnock's marshmallow tea cakes were a nice consolation for getting sick.
7. Map of the town of Stirling.
8. Costumed interpreter at Stirling Castle.
9. Hand made case for your 'Aye-phone'. Ha!
10. "That statue has been pyloned." in front of the GoMA, Glasgow.
11. I miss Betty and have been seeing dog things everywhere I go. Dog dish at the Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh.
12. Babysitting at the Museum of Scotland.
13. Tea on the train.
14. Heading back to Glasgow, first attempt to Cambridge denied.
15. Some of the flooding along the rail line, east coast England.
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Fun travels!