When packing for my big move there were a few items I had to leave behind for lack of room in my all ready heavy and full suitcase. One of these items was a old school film camera. I told myself that I had a digital camera and my phone camera and honestly I probably wasn't going to use it as much as I'd like to think I would. That being said, probably on one of my trips home it will be a item I made room for down the road. Keeping this in mind I came across an article on
Lomography magazine written by Plasticpopsicle in a series of tips for analogue users. I found her
latest one to be the most helpful for a complete novice like myself.
Her tips range from using a thermal lunch bag as an emergency camera case to separating used and unused film with labeled plastic baggies. Great tips, be sure to check out her whole series;
here and
Fun travels!