In Canada it's a holiday and my only day off for 10 days. I am eating all the turkey and stuffing and drinking all the Caesars in sight. Watch out!
Happy Thanksgiving!
I love popup museums
Autumn is my most favourite time of year, so many things to do
Casual homophobia, still not okay
Honestly, don't know how I feel about this ad using naked men (NSFW)
Can she do my house next? Love this!
But really I want to eat at all of these Toronto restaurants
Are pandas secretly alcoholics that can't handle their booze?
Don't miss a post!
Well, of course I had to click on the naked men link. :) I don't care for the dehumanizing of anyone, male, female, or otherwise, but the thing that really bothered me was the photo of the model with her hand on the guys butt. I mean, is she wearing a suit? Because the only thing I noticed in that photo was that she literally has her hand on his hairy ass. ;) Haha!