Monday, 19 June 2017

Hey There, Monday!

This past weekend my parents celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary. They are always doing so much for other people and for me and rarely do things for themselves, so this year I thought it was time I did something big for them. With much help from my 'fairies' I managed to plan a surprise trip to Cape Cod and later a surprise dinner with some friends and family. I hated loved planning the event and I'm not entirely sure how but managed to keep everything secret until its reveal. I had so much help pulling it off and couldn't have done it on my own. Not only do my parents feel #blessed, but I do as well.
Now back to a normal Monday. Happy Monday Y'all!

Children's clothing and something to get worked up about

What's keeping the train. Stats from TTC

Jessi Cruickshank is having twins and it's amusing

Interrupting women is a social disease

I could potentially be a home owner

If they're mini, you can eat more of them, right?

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