Monday, 22 May 2017

Hey There, Monday!

Welcome to the stat holiday in Canada. The May long. May 2-4. Victoria Day weekend. The un-official, official start of summer in Canada. Patio furniture is brought out, garden centres are in full swing, and families are cramming into cars and driving up to the cottage. It has been known to show on this weekend, but that doesn't stop us from putting on some shorts and a hoodie (or bunny hug if you are so inclined) cracking open a beer from your 2-4 and gearing up for longer days ahead.

Happy long weekend!

Eurovision was on last week and Graham Norton had a few sassy things to say about it

A van with bubbles? I'm in

Travel the world while pet sitting? Sign me up

This high house is insane!

Decision time: smashed avocado on toast or a house?

I love a good list, especially if that list includes food

One of these days, I'm actually going to make theses cement votives

I will be making this jam soon though

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