Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Hey There, Monday!

Sup! The 'Hey There, Monday' series has returned! Have you missed it? I kinda did. I enjoy taking a moment each week to just indulge in some internet reads and find the joy that's out there, ignoring the crazy, if for just a bit.

Happy Monday!

NYC flower bandit, is my favourite kind of bandit.

Do you do the two spaces?  It's wrong!

I'd stay in the first and the last place. Top 5 strangest places to stay in Toronto

Most complicated word in the English language.

UGH! Gorgeous home and it's for sale!

Dogs from any angle are adorable.

When to end a friendship

Cats at the British Museum

Quitting sugar for 30 days cold turkey, could you do it? I kinda want to try

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