And that's all it took.
That tiny suggestion of travel and I couldn't satisfy the itch until I too booked a flight.
Between work and other general life challenges I have barely had time to plan anything, which has stressed me out slightly. Even more so since I'm usually the rock up and travel buddy, jumping on to the hard work of others' planned trips or as a kind friend described me, 'a travel leech'. I haven't prepared myself for all the work that goes behind planning a trip. Ugh! Where am I going to stay and when? How am I getting there? What am I going to do while there? Such an effort! I should just stay home....I kid, I kid. But it seriously is hard. I started out with one itinerary at the beginning of the planning stage and ending with something completely different. Even leaving a part of it completely open for spontaneity. That's just how I roll.
So expect some radio silence on this blog for the next few weeks as I didn't manage to schedule any posts (same reason as above. TLDR: It's hard work!).
I'll be returning in April with more South America posts (it's the trip that keeps on giving), some hometown tourist items from Toronto the Good, and obviously lots more to come of my latest adventure!
I'll be spending some time in Ireland, Scotland, London, the Lake District, and I have a long layover in Amsterdam. If you have any recommendations or travel tips, please do share them with me in the comments or if your interested in meeting up old school and by old school I mean IRL then email me!
I will miss you my lovelies. Catchya on the flip side!
Don't miss a post!