Thursday, 11 August 2016

Mac and Cheese Fest 2016

As soon as I walked away from Mac n' Cheese Fest 2015 with a belly full of cheesy goodness I was already planning my trip for the following year. The happy day arrived back in June and I called up a foodie friend to join me. 

After last years widely criticized location of Liberty Village being much too small (organizers greatly underestimated Canadians' love of mac and cheese) the event this year was moved to Ontario Place, the multi use site and location of a now defunct IMAX cinesphere. In my opinion, it was the best decision. We went early in the day and it was super hot, but there were lots of shady areas and things were comfortably spread out.

Now on to the food. There were some clear winners in my mind, but overall I didn't find the mac n' cheese selection and options to be all that good. Now that could be a result of poor choosing on my part, but really everything I had was just okay. I was also sad not to find the mac n' cheese sushi there, my favourite thing from last year. 

This year my favourite dish of the day was the Mac Smash from Junked. They were at last years event, but the line up was just too long to bother with, this year I was determined to get me some! And honestly this mac n' cheese concoction served in a Doritos bag with lettuce and sour cream was like a mac and cheese taco and I wasn't mad at it. 
I almost went back for seconds.

This Pancetta mac n' cheese was a very close second. My mouth is watering just thinking of it.

This cake is not mac n' cheese related but delicious nonetheless. Can't go wrong with rainbow cake.

If you plan to attend this event next year, I highly recommend it and also suggest getting there early. It's free and un-ticketed, but the security check entering the park slowed things down and we noticed a crazy long line (fast moving but still not fun to do when standing in the hot sun).

Another summer food fest. I can't get enough of them. What's your favourite thing to do in the summertime?

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