Friday, 1 July 2016

Home Away from Home: Travel Link Up

Appropriate that this month's link up of Home falls on July 1st AKA Canada Day, Dominion Day, Canada's 149th birthday.

This land of mine has been my home for thirty plus years now and it will always have a place in my heart and tug me back from whatever far flung place I happen to be. However, there are a few places that rival its sacred spot and I also consider them to be a home away from home.


My father's motherland. We visit often in every season, but I will mostly associate it with summer holidays, beach days, ice cream, and relaxing. And for a brief time in my youth I considered moving there for summer work, but then didn't. True story.

{Erin Out and About} Home away from home, Vermont


My mother's hometown. I have fond memories of time spent with my grandparents and cousins around my age (important to an only child like myself). Cumberland was our street, but rarely did we actually do any touristy things. It was just about the family time. I associate it with cozy homes, warm hearts, and French baguettes.

{Erin Out and About} Home away from home, Montreal


You can't be surprised this would be one of my homes away from home. Pre-London days I didn't understand the appeal and had no desire to even visit England, but when I found myself there by opportunity and circumstance, it just felt like where I was supposed to be. I was completely taken off-guard by this feeling and I still can't quite put a finger on it. It might have something to do with how I feel as a person when I'm there, I associate it with my independence and feeling my most self-assured.

{Erin Out and About} Home away from home: London

Do you have a home away from home? Share it in the comments below.

At the beginning of each month, I like to take part in the monthly travel link up hosted on the incredible blogs by AngieJessiEmma,  and this month's special host Polly. You can join in too by leaving a comment below, checking out other posts on the link up, or adding your own post to the widget now until July 7th.

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