Guaranteed, if you don't have your own cottage, you know someone who does. Since I grew up heading down to Vermont each summer, I didn't spend too much time in cottage country.
Now that I'm older, I've had a few more opportunities to head up north and enjoy a weekend with the mosquitoes and bonfires. In Ontario, it's a right of passage to spend a weekend at a cottage, and you can't get more Canadian than a weekend cottaging. (Yes, my English friends, I do know this term has a different meaning in your neck of the woods, but on Canadian soil it refers to a simple, innocent time eating s'mores, rocking a bbq, and swimming in a cold lake.)
Tetris that car load in, using every available space. That includes the back window, the foot wells in the back seat and that hump between. *Bonus points for including a dog.*
Muskoka chairs are a must. No better way to kick back and relax after a swim and gather around the fire pit.
Forget about a beach while at the cottage, you can get your dock life on because much of Northern Ontario although filled with thousands of lakes (like seriously, it's surprising how many) is v. rocky--YAY Canadian Shield!--That means rocking up with water shoes and floaties, if so inclined.
Cottage games are a given. I played for the first time, Ladder Ball (pictured below with the lovely @qkristen2) Bocci Ball, Horse Shoes, Lawn Darts, pretty much anything played out of doors, is acceptable.
When the sun is setting it's time to light the fire. Gather round and settle in as hours will be spent around this pit. The flames are mesmerizing no matter who you are. Roasting marshmallows is a given, but it's even better if someone provides graham crackers and chocolate. (Spider dogs are also a favourite of mine and the only time I'll ever be caught eating a hot dog). *Bonus points for sparklers*
Now your time at the cottage has come to an end. Tetris that car again and be sure to capture a pouty selfie with all the things first. And head to the dump with your garbage before hitting the highways home with everyone else in Canada and their mothers.
*Bonus points if you actually come across a bear at the dump.*
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