Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Spring has Sprung!

After being brought back to winter one last (fingers crossed!) time, the weather seems to be finally rising up to the double digits I think it's safe to say it: Spring has sprung! And that means flowers!!

Although it's a bit too early to actually appreciate live blooms, here's a recap of my favourite blooming visits:

A very popular flower market located in the East End of London open Sundays, were you can purchase a single, tiny cactus or a 10 foot banana tree and every plant in between.

This annual summer Toronto market just announced their 2016 dates and new location (Queen West Neighbourhood near CAMH)

A Japanese tradition brought to Toronto with these Cherry Blossom trees found in High Park. This is a popular destination for Torontonians during the short blooming period.

I was such a fan of Canterbury Cathedral in general, it was a bonus to be able to wander the gardens of the cathedral grounds, taking in the perfumed scents and splashes of floral colours.

Most favourite blooming visit! It was like a dream wandering the rows on rows of sweet smelling lavender. I've been searching for a field like this closer to home, to be back in that dream.

What's your favourite blooming visit?

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