Monday, 9 May 2016

Happy Mother's Day!!

{Erin Out and About}

Happy Mother's Day mama bear!

{Erin Out and About}

Here are some of my favourite photos from your visit to London, before dragging me back to Canada.

{Erin Out and About}
Thanks for always letting me hang off you.

Thank you for giggling with me even when we get dirty looks from the people around us who clearly don't think it's as funny as we do.

Thank you for being my original 'doing things' buddy.

Thank you for being a fashionable hot mama.

Thank you for being my artistic director/graphic designer/creative muse.

Did I already say, thank you for letting me hang off you?

Thank you for not being ready for photos with me.

Thank you for making me feel tall at 5''2.

Thank you for putting up with my photobombing.
Thank you mum!

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