Saturday, 2 April 2016

Scent and a Memory: Travel Link Up

Scent is known for being able to trigger emotions and memories, it's science. But if you are to doubt this just go and find some Play-Doh, crack that plastic can open, take a big whiff and be instantly thrown back to your kindergarten classroom where you remember the sweet young teacher soothing you after you pee'd your pants, or being gently scolded for eating sand from the sandbox, or some other far back childhood memory. If you don't have that trigger than I say you have lived a sheltered early life, my friend.

As I've gotten older I notice I more so now appreciate these scent triggers and hang on to them, revisiting them occasionally to be fondly reminded of my misspent youth. One of my favourite ones is contained in a tiny, metal perfume bottle purchased just prior to my high school Europe trip. Dream by The Gap.

So '90s!

I still have the tiny, silver bottle and sometimes bring it with me when I travel places where I'm only allowed a carry-on and restricted by the 100ml limit. Very occasionally I can be found smelling of high school girl wearing a crop top and glitter lip gloss. For me, Dream is my ultimate travel smell. I'm transported back to 1999 on a coach bus driving through European cities and countryside with 20 other girls and my favourite history teachers.  I feel careless, free and most importantly a tiny bit excited by the feeling of newness. This smell does it to me every time. I think it will forever by my favourite travel scent.

Further smells my olfaction has enjoyed on my travels:

Lavender filled air at Mayfield Lavender
{ErinOutandAbout} Busy Bee in Lavender

The sugared almonds at the Vienna Christmas markets
{ErinOutandAbout} Sugared Almonds in Vienna

The misty, flower filled smells of the Highlands
{ErinOutandAbout} Thistle in the Highlands

The salty sea air of Whitstable 
{ErinOutandAbout} Whitstable Oyster Festival

At the beginning of each month, I like to take part in the monthly travel link up hosted on the incredible blogs hosted by AngieJessiEmma,  and this month's special host Sus. You can join in too by leaving a comment below, checking out other posts on the link up, or adding your own post to the widget now until April 7th.

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