Thursday, 31 March 2016

Lumiere London 2016

While I was visiting England, I was lucky enough to be in London the same weekend as Lumiere. So with a downloaded map and a vague notion of where I was heading and what I was going to see I hit the streets of central London.

If you've never heard of Lumiere before, that's okay (no judgement here. That would be a weird thing to judge you on, really if I was going to judge you, it would more likely be on what your wearing right now. I mean, pjs at this hour?) Started in Durham in 2009 it's the world's largest light festival and this year, London took part and according to the website there were 1 million visitors to the free event! (It did seem to be a bit crowded!) 

Spread over the neighbourhoods of King's Cross, Leicester Square, Piccadilly, Regent Street, St. James' and Carnaby, when the sun set, the lights turn on and you were free to explore the 30 artists outdoor (mostly) light installations. It ranged from simple light displays to timed light shows. 

It did remind me of Nuit Blanche which I attended last year. My favourite part of the Toronto event where the ones outside, where there were no queues. Since almost all of these were out of doors there was very little waiting despite the throngs and we managed to see 22 of the 30 installations. We didn't manage to get to them all because they don't keep the lights on very late. 

Enjoy this photo essay of my tour, but you must go yourself next year as my static, camera phone, images just don't dazzle the way they did IRL.

Les Voyageurs (The Travellers)by Cédric Le Borgne





Sanctuaryby Sarah Blood


Brothers & Sistersby Ron Haselden


Lightbenchesby Bernd Spiecker for LBO LichtBankObjekte


Spinning Night in Living Colourby Elaine Buckholtz


I Haven't Changed My Mind in a Thousand Yearsby Beth J Ross



195 Piccadillyby NOVAK



Luminéolesby Porté par le vent






Garden of Lightby TILT





Centre Point Lights


Neon Dogsby Deepa Mann-Kler





Plastic Islandsby Luzinterruptus


IFO (Identified Flying Object)by Jacques Rival


Dressesby Tae gon KIM


Litre of Lightby Mick Stephenson, Central Saint Martins, UAL, MyShelter Foundation





Shaida Walking. 2015by Julian Opie


1.8 Londonby Janet Echelman / Studio Echelman





Aquariumby Benedetto Bufalino & Benoit Deseille




Keyframesby Groupe LAPS



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