Thursday, 24 March 2016

Experiencing Scotch Whiskey in Edinburgh

Jumping up to Scotland in this post from my epic trip to the UK, I hope you don't mind the jumping around, as I recap my adventure. I'm loving being able to relive my travels through these posts, this is one of the ways I'm choosing 'joy' in 2016

I meet up with my 'doing things' buddy and after dropping my bags off at her super, lovely flat we set off to the Scotch Whisky Experience

We took the Silver Tour (£14.50) which started with a ride in a barrel, swirling around like a bubble learning about the history and process of making whisky. The tour ended with a little whisky tasting education, a free dram (yay swag!) and a glimpse at the extensive collection housed in quite an impressive manner. 

{ErinOutandAbout} Scotch Whiskey Experience

{ErinOutandAbout} Scotch Whiskey Experience

{ErinOutandAbout} Scotch Whiskey Experience

{ErinOutandAbout} Scotch Whiskey Experience

{ErinOutandAbout} Scotch Whiskey Experience

{ErinOutandAbout} Scotch Whiskey Experience

I was enthralled by the display and the warm, golden, glow from the whisky in the darkened room with only the light dancing off the prized collection of 3,384 scotch whisky bottles. (Totally, had to look that number up, I couldn't be expected to remember the details, I had been drinking whisky after all).

,{ErinOutandAbout} Scotch Whiskey Experience

{ErinOutandAbout} Scotch Whiskey Experience

{ErinOutandAbout} Scotch Whiskey Experience

{ErinOutandAbout} Scotch Whiskey Experience

{ErinOutandAbout} Scotch Whiskey Experience

{ErinOutandAbout} Scotch Whiskey Experience

{ErinOutandAbout} Scotch Whiskey Experience

{ErinOutandAbout} Scotch Whiskey Experience

{ErinOutandAbout} Scotch Whiskey Experience

{ErinOutandAbout} Scotch Whiskey Experience

Our lovely guide, "Angus" (not his real name. Details, people!) taught us how to experience the whisky; its colour, its smell, its clarity, and finally its taste. Love a man with a passion! Especially when it's expressed with rolling R's and a smattering of  'wee'.

{ErinOutandAbout} Scotch Whiskey Experience

After I finished my dram (and my friend's) we were ready to tackle the rest of the delights Edinburgh had to offer.

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