Thursday, 11 February 2016

Julia Margaret Cameron: a Bad-ass Victorian Photographer

Booking my tickets to London month's prior, I knew one thing was for sure, I would be going to the Victoria and Albert Museum and admiring the images produced by a Victorian pioneer photographer: Julia Margaret Cameron. 

{ErinOutandAbout} Julia Margaret Cameron at the V&A

A female experimental artist, not fully appreciated for her artistic merit in her day, is now seen as possessing the ability to really capture her sitter's spirit with the use of her soft focus, closely cropped image, and powerfully contrasting backgrounds. Not to mention many of her sitters were friends and family members, but also happen to be famous and significant personalities of the day.

{ErinOutandAbout} Julia Margaret Cameron at the V&A

{ErinOutandAbout} Julia Margaret Cameron at the V&A

When she wasn't taking portraitures, she staged Biblical or literary stories, playing with movement and manipulating the wet collodion process, where some photographers would consider her results a failure she would exclaim a success.

{ErinOutandAbout} Julia Margaret Cameron at the V&A

{ErinOutandAbout} Julia Margaret Cameron at the V&A

{ErinOutandAbout} Julia Margaret Cameron at the V&A

{ErinOutandAbout} Julia Margaret Cameron at the V&A

{ErinOutandAbout} Julia Margaret Cameron at the V&A
The artist herself

{ErinOutandAbout} Julia Margaret Cameron at the V&A

{ErinOutandAbout} Julia Margaret Cameron at the V&A

It was a beautiful exhibition and I'm super please that I was in London while it was there. I ended my visit to the super over-the-top museum cafe for a spot of tea. I heart museum cafes. I should put that on a shirt.

{ErinOutandAbout} the V&A museum cafe

{ErinOutandAbout} the V&A museum cafe

{ErinOutandAbout} the V&A museum cafe

{ErinOutandAbout} the V&A museum cafe

The exhibit at the V&A will be on until February 21, 2016 
it's free and they are open daily from 10:00-17:45


Head over to the Science Museum, just across the road and check out the
Julia Margaret Cameron: Influence and Intimacy
Running until March 28, 2016
Also free and open daily 10:00-18:00
(I didn't know this was going on so I missed out, if you do go to it, please tell me about it in the comments!)

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