Thursday, 12 November 2015

Forgetting my Phone

Today I forgot my phone when I left for work. Left it right on the counter, having put it down before collecting my things and stepping out. I only realized I was without it once I arrived.

Panic set in slightly, I had to rationalize that I wasn't expecting any important phone calls or personal emails, I didn't have any evening plans that required keeping in touch with people, so everything was going to be fine and I could survive ONE day without it.

The hours passed with little thought of it. That is until I wondered the time, which was about every 10 minuets, or needed to check dates in my calendar, or even when I had an instagrammable moment.

I was kinda dreading lunch. What was I going to do with myself while eating? I had nothing to play on, nothing to read, no one to even talk to! Thankfully it was a beautifully, warm, fall day, so I headed to the park to sit and eat.

I people watched; noticed the two old men enjoying a small prepared picnic on fold-up chairs, listened to the children squeal with glee as they played and chased each other at the swing set, observed the woman making her way repeatedly around the path on her lunchtime walk, and even enjoyed the little squirrels and chipmunks gathering nuts and storing them away high up in the trees.

Had I brought my phone today, I would have missed all this. Nothing important or exciting happened, but still I felt the better for being part of it.

Instragramming my meat platter, obvi!

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