Thursday, 1 October 2015

Things to do This Fall

Inspired by A Beautiful Mess's post 12 Things to do this Autumn, I'm updating my Autumn Wish List and making my own list of things I want to do/learn this fall.

1. Make soup

Ever since I visited Belgium and had my first taste of Waterzooi, I've been dreaming of making a bowl for myself at home here. Soup season is coming!

Have a Sweater? Make a Hat! (click through for tutorial)

Upcycling anything is great in my books. Using old sweaters to make a toque would make an excellent gift.

Make your own mittens 4

3. These mittens while I'm at it


4. Hot drinks

Confession time. I don't actually really like pumpkin spiced lattes or anything pumpkin flavoured for that matter. Never have, never will. BUT I'm a huge fan of an Eggnog Lattes. Learning to make it at home, might be dangerous.

Exercise is good anytime of year, but it's a long, cold winter ahead with many days spent inside. Must take advantage of all sunny, lovely days.

Went apple picking last year for the first time and very much enjoyed the experience and the food results.

7. Read a classic

Part of my New Year's resolution was to read more classic literature along with contemporary books.

UPDATE: Blog twinned with Sydney on The Sydney Chronicles and now adding her idea to my list. 

8. Celebrate Fall

What a better way to celebrate fall than by making fall foods and drinks. I can't wait!

What would you add to my list? Any plans this season you are looking forward to doing?

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