Thursday, 22 October 2015

My First Time: An Evening at Nuit Blanche

This year I attended my very first Scotiabank Nuit Blanche Toronto. I always had good intentions of going but since it only happens over one night a year, I kept missing it, only to hear about the event days later. 

This year was almost the same, but something prompted me to google its exact dates and I made sure to put it in my calendar and clearing the time for it. It wasn't going to slip through my fingers again!

If you don't know, the concept of Nuit Blanche, started in France, has been around since 1990 and in its modern form since 2001. Toronto, this year, celebrated its 10th year participating in the all-night celebration and exploration of contemporary art taking place in various locations dotted across the city centre.

Having now experienced Nuit Blanche I have a few ideas of how to make my next year's attendance more of a success and maybe it can help you too.

Now for some modern art installations at 
Nuit Blanche 2015

Where Am I From?
by Lindsay Bess

There is no Away

by Sean Martindale and JP King

Inside Out: Face to Face to Face

by JR

Park Here

by Katy Chey

Campbell's House: Your Eye Inside Out

by JR

Alternative Nuit Blanche
Not found on the Nuit Blanche interactive map

Each Portion
by Lisa Myers

Tracking my Blueprints

by Lisa Myers

Night Flight

by Michael Snow and Claudio Caldini

 Alternative Nuit Blanche
Not found on the Nuit Blanche interactive map

Slight Knight

by Ekow Nimako

Time of the Empress

by Aziz + Cucher

Nuit Blanche takes places all over the world, have you ever attended? Have any pro tips you would add? Could you not care less about contemporary art? 

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