Monday, 30 June 2014

Hey There, Monday!

Another week gone by and I'm another week closer to THE END. This is always on my mind and every moment I have free I want to plan activities, of any sort. Usually I'm a home body who like a good night in with a movie and some wine, but although I do still enjoy this I'm trying to get out more. This is not hard to do in London as there is so much to do here. So this weekend we spent a lovely afternoon in The Mayflower Pub and watched the tide go out. Sunday morning before work it was sunny and beautiful so  brunch in Victoria Park was in order. We stopped at The Park Café thinking it was just going to be the typical snack shack but we were pleasantly surprised. I had the Algerian Omelette with mint tea and the boyf had the Indian Omelette with chai latte. The staff was increadably nice and helpful, pulling a table outside for us to enjoy the sun. When I told the man I had to work later that day he said, "oh no! On a Sunday?" I pointed out to him that he was working and he said, "nah, this isn't work, this is fun!"  What a great attitude to have. You should have brunch at the Park Café. There isn't a huge selection but what they do offer is very well done.

Here's to another week and another wonderful Monday!

When statues attack!

Social media in prenups.

Chewing gum makes you a better person.

My Alma Mater, I hope they don't start painting this like the canon.

New lady crush.

A Girl and her Daddy.

Image found on Pinterest

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