Thursday, 15 May 2014

Afternoon Punting in Cambridge

When I first got to Cambridge back in 2012, I was fascinated by the city and terrified of getting lost down the many, seemingly similar looking passageways around the city. After a few days of exploring, with a knowledgeable friend and independently, I discovered that it's next to impossible to get lost there. My favourite spot to explore (and to run along) was the canals. My friend and I had discussed wanting to actually get onto the water, but it would take a year and a bit, a big number birthday, and a group of 10 before we finally got the chance.

Punting is a thing in Cambridge. A big thing. Adorable young men in navy shorts, polo shirts, and dock shoes stand around town with a clip board enticing tourists and passersby to a punting tour down the Cam. It generally can be a bit pricey and not something to do often necessarily, but it was definitely a good afternoon out and with a large group it help offset the cost along with the haggling that was done. £10 a person was the final number for us.
To make the afternoon even more enjoyable, we had planned ahead; a champagne picnic on the Cam. 

These little guys were (sadly) the highlight of the tour. They swam along the boat interested in our bacon butties. We threw crumbs into the water for them and we were thoroughly entertained by them. The punters were a bit put off by the diverted attention, but these ducks were just so funny!

Fun travels!

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