Monday, 27 January 2014

Hey there, Monday!

This past week I went to the theatre twice. The first time was a planned outing to the Frank Skinner Tour (so exciting to see him live since listening to his podcast for 2 years). The second was an impromptu Saturday night thing. I met a friend in Leicester Square where we got cheap tickets to The 39 Steps. Both were great. I love living in London. 

We had an 'obstructed' view but only had a thin pilar my leg rested against. For £17 it was worth it. 

Happy Monday!

In an attempt to read more widely.

Singing in traffic. The best.

Logan Echolls is the best part of Veronica Mars.

As if penguins weren't great enough. This happened.

Cats taking selfies.

#5 and 3 are issues I've had to deal with before.

A friend mentioned this place to me and now I really want to go!

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