The past few weeks have been crazy. I'm currently camped out in my friend's living room as I frantically search for a place to live in London. It's a lot harder than I thought it would be.I had a place secured a few weeks back, or so I thought. I had moved in and everything. Long story short, after 3 days I got the hell out of Dodge and didn't look back. Needless to say, this week's reading list has been a bit scattered as I look for
good places to live. Apparently the
postcode has a lot to do with it. I discovered this site which might be helpful,
seems to be full of 'new to London' kinds of information. I also came across this article about how to figure out your housing budget,
good thing to keep in mind.
I also landed a couple interviews;
one I wanted,
one I didn't so much. Fingers crossed the universe has something great in the works for me.
Happy Monday!
Fun travels!