Monday, 26 March 2012

Hi there, friend. Thanks for visiting.
I'm hoping that if you are here, it's because you and I share some of the same interests, particularly that of travelling. Picking which should be your next vacation spot or where you should experience living isn't always an easy one, but I hope I can help with the fun (and sometimes not so fun) prep work and getting there smoothly.

After giving it much thought, consideration and a few pro/con lists, I've decided to make the move from Canada to London, England. Before you ask, no I don't already have a job, apartment, life set up yet, but where's the fun in that? I'm just going to move there and with some preparation and luck, hope for the best.
'If it's not scary, it's not worth doing' as I'm reminded by everyone who I tell my plans to.

Although this blog will have a focus on my specific travels and living in the UK, I hope you will find enough general advice and tips (and maybe even learn from my mistakes) to encourage you to start your adventure, whatever and wherever that might be.

Fun travels!

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