Tuesday, 1 August 2017

In Photos: Quilts at the Creek

Each year Black Creek Pioneer Village plays host to one of it's most colourful festivals of the entire season; Quilts at the Creek. The historic village lines its boardwalks and building with beautiful and eye catching handmade works of art.

Past years, I've missed this event for one reason or another, but this year I was determined to pop in and see what all the fuss was about. I'm not a quilter myself, but I can appreciate the amount of work and creativity which goes into each one of these pieces. It was spectacular to see them hung, flapping in the breeze in this temporary outdoor gallery space.

Here are a few photos from the event specifically the ones that really caught my eye.

{Erin Out and About} Quilts at the Creek

{Erin Out and About} Quilts at the Creek

{Erin Out and About} Quilts at the Creek

{Erin Out and About} Quilts at the Creek

{Erin Out and About} Quilts at the Creek

{Erin Out and About} Quilts at the Creek

{Erin Out and About} Quilts at the Creek

{Erin Out and About} Quilts at the Creek

{Erin Out and About} Quilts at the Creek

{Erin Out and About} Quilts at the Creek

{Erin Out and About} Quilts at the Creek

{Erin Out and About} Quilts at the Creek

{Erin Out and About} Quilts at the Creek

{Erin Out and About} Quilts at the Creek

{Erin Out and About} Quilts at the Creek

{Erin Out and About} Quilts at the Creek

{Erin Out and About} Quilts at the Creek

{Erin Out and About} Quilts at the Creek

{Erin Out and About} Quilts at the Creek

{Erin Out and About} Quilts at the Creek

{Erin Out and About} Quilts at the Creek

{Erin Out and About} Quilts at the Creek

{Erin Out and About} Quilts at the Creek

{Erin Out and About} Quilts at the Creek

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