Thursday, 22 December 2016

Christmas Eggnog

Each Christmas my mum and I have a tradition. We pull out all the decorations and prepare for an evening of filling the house with Christmas cheer. Then on a night when we can devote full attention to the task with put on some of our most favourite Christmas songs and whip up a batch of eggnog before going at the tree with lights and tinsel.

My mum doesn't like the store bought variety because she finds it too rich and that's exactly why I love it and can drink the whole carton myself in an evening. Making it ourselves means we can control the amounts and how rich it will be. We've found a good compromise. Plus we add copious a dash of rum to make this drink more adult and everyone is happy.

Could serve 4 (but we usually go back for seconds, so I wouldn't really know)
4-6 eggs
2 cups milk
1 Tbs sugar
1 cap full vanilla extract
dash of nutmeg
rum (optional, but really)

Throw all the ingredients into a blender, save the nutmeg, and blend til frothy.
Taste and adjust as needed. More egg will make it richer, more milk will make it less rich and add volume, more sugar will make it sweeter etc.
Serve in a fun glass (we often use a crystal tumbler cause we fancy like that) and top with a dash of nutmeg.

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