Thursday, 24 November 2016

The Llamas of Machu Picchu

It's been a bit of a week.  You know, one of those weeks where your attention is drawn elsewhere and your focused on projects that might not lead to anything, but fingers and toes crossed something wonderful  and exciting and slightly scary, but mostly exciting, does? 

(You hear me universe? Are you catching those positive vibes I'm throwing out?)

All this to say. I did not prepare a blogpost this week. 

Instead I've put together a mini photo essay of llamas. Yes, llamas. First ErinOutandAbout brought you The Dogs of Peru, now I'm pleased to present for your viewing pleasure... *big voice* 

{ErinOutandAbout} The llamas of Machu Picchu

As you can imagine, I was not the only one enthralled by the llamas. Families had picnics with the animals gathered around, other people had full on photo shoots with the beautiful, woolly beasts.

They were used to the attention and went about their llama business amongst the crowds. Who could blame them? I would be prit-tee pleased to work in a settling like this. Ugh! That view!

{ErinOutandAbout} The llamas of Machu Picchu

{ErinOutandAbout} The llamas of Machu Picchu

{ErinOutandAbout} The llamas of Machu Picchu

{ErinOutandAbout} The llamas of Machu Picchu

{ErinOutandAbout} The llamas of Machu Picchu

{ErinOutandAbout} The llamas of Machu Picchu

{ErinOutandAbout} The llamas of Machu Picchu

{ErinOutandAbout} The llamas of Machu Picchu
This little guy was calling out to his mama, she came running and he had a snack (below)

{ErinOutandAbout} The llamas of Machu Picchu

{ErinOutandAbout} The llamas of Machu Picchu

{ErinOutandAbout} The llamas of Machu Picchu

{ErinOutandAbout} The llamas of Machu Picchu

{ErinOutandAbout} The llamas of Machu Picchu

{ErinOutandAbout} The llamas of Machu Picchu

{ErinOutandAbout} The llamas of Machu Picchu

{ErinOutandAbout} The llamas of Machu Picchu

{ErinOutandAbout} The llamas of Machu Picchu

{ErinOutandAbout} The llamas of Machu Picchu

{ErinOutandAbout} The llamas of Machu Picchu

{ErinOutandAbout} The llamas of Machu Picchu

{ErinOutandAbout} The llamas of Machu Picchu

{ErinOutandAbout} The llamas of Machu Picchu

{ErinOutandAbout} The llamas of Machu Picchu

{ErinOutandAbout} The llamas of Machu Picchu

{ErinOutandAbout} The llamas of Machu Picchu

{ErinOutandAbout} The llamas of Machu Picchu

{ErinOutandAbout} The llamas of Machu Picchu
I'd die for these lashes!
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