Thursday, 19 May 2016

Hiking Up the Mile: Edinburgh Castle

I've finally made it up to Scotland, on the blog that is. I was excited to be spending time in this glorious city with my very best 'doing things' friend. When I arrived she had a whole itinerary lined up of all the things I wanted to do in Edinburgh. (I'm already mentally planning my next trip there with a whole new list of activities). 

Surprisingly, on earlier visits although I've done the deep fried Mars bar, picnic on Calton Hill, and a tour of the highlands, I had yet to visit the famous Scottish fortress. 

{ErinOutandAbout} Edinburgh Castle

We made the long (at least it felt long) trek up the winding path along the side of the castle rock and were greeted with the greatest gusts of wind that whipped and whirled around us.

{ErinOutandAbout} Edinburgh Castle

{ErinOutandAbout} Edinburgh Castle

{ErinOutandAbout} Edinburgh Castle

The castle actually sits on the plug of an extinct volcano and there has been a royal castle on the site since the 12th century.

{ErinOutandAbout} Edinburgh Castle

Located on the grounds is Edinburgh's oldest building; St. Margaret's Chapel from the 12th century, having avoided destruction during the Lang siege in the 16th century. This was my favourite bit of the castle. It was tiny and dark, but oozed presence and history.

{ErinOutandAbout} Edinburgh Castle

{ErinOutandAbout} Edinburgh Castle

{ErinOutandAbout} Edinburgh Castle

{ErinOutandAbout} Edinburgh Castle

{ErinOutandAbout} Edinburgh Castle

{ErinOutandAbout} Edinburgh Castle

In true Scottish fashion, the blue sky clouded over and grew heavy. We decided that was our queue to leave and find cake and tea.

{ErinOutandAbout} Edinburgh Castle

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