Thursday, 14 January 2016

Toronto Flower Market

Winter has finally come to Ontario, we didn't have a white Christmas, but the snow certainly arrived and is already gross--slushy, heavy, and dirty. Despite the mild weather we've had up until that point, I have been feeling a bit bummed about the lack of warm sunshine and miss the days of summer. Then I remembered my visit to the last Toronto Flower Market back in October. The gorgeous, bright sun, the blooming colours and delightful bouquets.

Let's take a moment to bask in the glow of these late blooms in the last days of summer. 

{erinoutandabout} Toronto Flower Market

{erinoutandabout} Toronto Flower Market

{erinoutandabout} Toronto Flower Market

{erinoutandabout} Toronto Flower Market

{erinoutandabout} Toronto Flower Market

{erinoutandabout} Toronto Flower Market

{erinoutandabout} Toronto Flower Market

{erinoutandabout} Toronto Flower Market

{erinoutandabout} Toronto Flower Market

{erinoutandabout} Toronto Flower Market

{erinoutandabout} Toronto Flower Market

{erinoutandabout} Toronto Flower Market

{erinoutandabout} Toronto Flower Market

{erinoutandabout} Toronto Flower Market

{erinoutandabout} Toronto Flower Market

{erinoutandabout} Toronto Flower Market

{erinoutandabout} Toronto Flower Market

{erinoutandabout} Toronto Flower Market

{erinoutandabout} Toronto Flower Market

{erinoutandabout} Toronto Flower Market

{erinoutandabout} Toronto Flower Market

{erinoutandabout} Toronto Flower Market

{erinoutandabout} Toronto Flower Market

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